The Accepted Authority
In The Accepted Authority, Greg Roworth discusses how owners of consulting firms can generate a predictable flow of premium opportunities to grow their business. Each weekly show features a lively discussion of a common growth challenge, covering strategies, tools, mistakes and how Greg has achieved results with clients or in their own business. Always useful, entertaining, and never more than 20 minutes. Sponsored by Business Flightpath.
The Accepted Authority
72 - How To Become The Accepted Authority In Your Field
What does it take as an owner of a consultancy practice to be regarded as the accepted authority in your field?
Does it need someone to appoint you to that position?
Of course that's not how it happens.
Does it need us to claim that position?
Well, yes and no.
We can't just claim to be the authority and then go on doing what we've always done and just keep doing the same things as our competitors do.
We have to be different and stand out so that our target market acknowledges that we are the authority.
So, we have to claim that position, but it's our clients and target market that acknowledges that position for us.
How do we make that happen?
Listen to the podcast to find out, or go to to discover more.