The Accepted Authority

66 - Authority Using An Assessment Model

Greg Roworth

When selling consultancy services, often there is a challenge because your potential clients don't know what they don't know.  They sometimes don't recognize they have a problem, because what they are dealing with is the norm for them.  They don't know how things could be better, even if they don't particularly like their current situation.

An assessment model is a way of showing your potential clients the gap between where they are and where they could be.  When they recognize the gap, they will be motivated to make the change, which makes selling your services so much easier.  Using an assessment model also has other flow on effects that help your selling to be easier, including increasing your perception of authority.

Listen to the podcast episode to the value of using an assessment model, how to create one and how they increase your clients' motivation for change.

Get help with your assessment model at

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